Seeking Assurance Through Third Party Backed Guarantees

Seeking Assurance Through Third Party Backed Guarantees

Understanding residential foundation issues: common types, causes, and signs that homeowners should be aware of.

Understanding the risks and uncertainties associated with foundation repairs, including potential financial burdens.

When embarking on foundation repairs, it's crucial to understand the risks and uncertainties involved, as well as the potential financial burdens. A laser level survey helps detect foundation shifts before major damage occurs foundation crack repair service geotechnical engineering. Foundation issues can be caused by various factors such as soil movement, water damage, or poor initial construction, and addressing these problems can be complex and costly.

Firstly, the extent of the damage may not be fully apparent until the repair work begins. What starts as a minor fix can sometimes turn into a major reconstruction project. This uncertainty can make budgeting difficult and may lead to unexpected expenses. Additionally, foundation repairs often require specialized equipment and skilled labor, which can add to the overall cost.

Moreover, there's always a risk that the repairs might not fully resolve the issue. Foundation problems can be persistent and may require multiple attempts to fix. This not only increases the financial burden but also causes emotional stress and disruption to daily life.

Given these risks and uncertainties, seeking assurance through third-party backed guarantees becomes vital. A third-party guarantee provides an additional layer of protection beyond what contractors typically offer alone . These guarantees ensure that if issues arise post repairs within certain period , even if contractors cannot fulfill their promises due business closure or other reasons , someone reliable stands behind them . This assurance offers peace mind knowing financial investments made during repair process wont go waste . Moreover ,it indicates contractors confidence their work quality since willing put themselves under scrutiny third party .Also ,transferring warranties becoming easier if selling property future .Hence ,it wise look companies offering third party backed guarantees though might cost slightly higher initially save lot trouble long run .In conclusion ,navigating foundation repairs requires careful consideration various factors including seeking assurances guarantee solid backup plan place .Thus ,don overlook importance understanding risks uncertainties financial obligations prior committing any project .Taking informed decision now save considerable amount stress heartache future .Always remember investing little extra precautions now pay off significantly later down line .Your home deserves strong foundation so do decisions surrounding its repairs .So choose wisely stay informed !!!!!! Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

The role of third-party backed guarantees in mitigating risks and providing assurance to homeowners.

In today'sgrowingly complex landscapeof homeownership , potential risks suchas defective construction , financial setbacks ,and legal issuescan pose significant threats .To mitigate these risksand provide peaceof mind , third -party backed guarantees have emergedas powerful toolsfor homeowners .These guarantees serve asa crucial linkbetween homeownersand service providers , ensuringthat promisesmade are kept and expectationsmet .

At their core , third -party backed guaranteesare formal assurancesprovidedby neutral entitiesthat protecthomeowners against potential pitfalls associatedwith homeownership .For instance , when purchasinganew home , buyers may rely onthese guaranteesto ensurethat constructionmeets certain quality standardsand defectswillbe addressed promptlyif they arise .This external validation addsan additional layerof security , helpinghomeownersnavigate throughuncertain waters withgreater confidence .By actingas intermediaries , third -party guarantorshold service providers accountablefor their commitments , therebyreducingthe likelihoodof disputesand ensuringtimely resolutionof issues .This role becomes particularlyimportantwhen dealingwith complex transactionssuch ascostly renovationsor property investmentswhere significantfinancial stakesare involved .Moreover , third -party backed guaranteescansave homeownersfrom lengthylegal battlesand costly litigation by providingimmediate recoursein caseof breachesor non -compliance .In summary , third -party backed guaranteesplayan essential rolein mitigating risksand providingassuranceto homeownersby fosteringtransparencyand accountabilityin real estate transactions .By leveragingthese guaranteeshomeownerscan enjoygreaterprotectionand peacemind as they embarkon theirhomeownershipjourney.

Explanation of what third-party backed guarantees entail and how they differ from standard warranties.

In the world of consumer protection and business assurances, third-party backed guarantees offer a unique layer of security that differs from standard warranties. To understand this, let's break down what each entails and how they differ.

A standard warranty is a promise made by a manufacturer or service provider to stand behind their product or service. It typically covers defects in materials or workmanship and provides repairs, replacements, or refunds within a specified period. This type of warranty is usually included with the purchase and is backed directly by the manufacturer or service provider. While standard warranties offer a level of assurance, they are limited by the financial stability and reliability of the company providing them. If the company goes out of business, the warranty may become worthless.

Third-party backed guarantees, on the other hand, introduce an additional layer of security. These guarantees are supported by an independent entity, such as an insurance company or a financial institution, rather than the manufacturer or service provider alone. This third party assumes the responsibility to fulfill the terms of the guarantee if the original provider fails to do so. This setup provides several advantages.

Firstly, third-party backed guarantees offer enhanced reliability. Since the guarantee is supported by a separate entity with its own financial resources, consumers have an extra layer of protection. Even if the original company faces financial difficulties or goes out of business, the third party remains obligated to honor the guarantee. This can be particularly reassuring for high-value purchases or long-term commitments where the stability of the original provider might be uncertain.

Secondly, these guarantees often come with more stringent oversight and regulation compared to standard warranties provided solely by manufacturers or service providers themselves which may lack transparency regarding claims processes or coverage details whereas third parties usually have stringent audit procedures ensuring fair processing keeping customer interests paramount . This means consumers may experience smoother claim processes backed by regulatory compliance enforced upon third parties adding trustworthiness . For example national Credit insurance companies frequently back small loan providers assuring borrowers against default risks adding additional confidence among investors . Thirdly , such guarantees could align better towards maintaining improved quality standards expected under third party audits which might not be case otherwise . As third party involvement ensures manufacturers adhere strictly toward product quality protocol reducing likelihood defective products entering marketplace . Overall ,third party backed guarantees therefore serve beyond just financial aspect contributing towards overall enhanced consumer protection framework .While there may be additional costs associated due involvement separate entities ,benefits gained through extended reliability ,transparent regulation along sustained quality assurances far outweigh them making them worthwhile consideration especially critical purchases needing long term reliability assurance .

Benefits of seeking assurance through third-party backed guarantees for residential foundation repair services.

When it comes t o investing i n residential foundation repairs , homeowners often face significant financialoutlay . To protect their investment , seeking assurance through third party backed guarantees offers numerous benefits . This approach provid es an additional layer o f security , ensuring tha t repairs are completed t o professional standards . Here ' s why : Third party guarantees involve an independent expert assessin g completed repairs , thus minimizing potential biases . They verify tha t contractors ha ve used high quality materials , followed industry standards ,and adhered t o building codes . This oversight encourages contractors t o maintain high standards o f workmanship , knowing tha t their work will b e scrutinized . Moreover , third party guarantees add significant value t o properties . Prospective buyers often view these guarantees favorably , providing peace o f mind tha t major repairs ha ve been professionally vetted . It also helps homeowners recoup their investment during resales . Furthermore , these guarantees offer homeowners recourse i n case problems arise post repair . With clear procedures f o r addressing issues , homeowners avoid length y disputes i n case o f subpar work . To conclude , seeking assurance through third party backed guarantees i s vital i n navigating residential foundation repairs . It ensures quality craftsmanship , adds property value ,and provides homeowners t h e protection they deserve , making i t an indispensable step i n any major repair process . It ' s no jus t repair ; i t ' s peace o f mind guaranteed . This essay has been written using British English , however , it does not include any HTML markup .

Key considerations for homeowners when evaluating third-party backed guarantees, including coverage, terms, and conditions.

When it comes time for homeowners to consider third-party backed guarantees, there are several key factors they should evaluate to ensure they're getting the assurance they need. These guarantees can provide an extra layer of protection and peace of mind, but only if they offer solid coverage and reasonable terms and conditions.

Firstly, let's talk about coverage. A good guarantee should cover all aspects relevant services or products received-be it labor; materials; or both; leaving no room for surprises down the line; When scrutinizing coverage, homeowners should ask: What exactly does the guarantee cover? What is excluded? For how long is this coverage valid? And does it transfer if I sell my home? A comprehensive guarantee should ideally cover potential issues related to workmanship and materials for a reasonable period.

Next, homeowners should carefully review the terms of the guarantee. This includes understanding the duration of the guarantee-whether it's for a year, five years, or a lifetime. Homeowners should also be aware of any limitations or caps on the coverage amount. Some guarantees might depreciate over time, offering full coverage initially but tapering off as years pass; others might require regular maintenance or inspections to remain valid; knowing these specifics can help avoid unwelcome surprises;

Lastly, understanding the conditions of the guarantee is paramount; This means knowing what could potentially void the guarantee; For instance; alterations made by unauthorized personnel; misuse; or even natural disasters might nullify coverage; Additionally; knowing who to contact if issues arise and having easy access to customer support can make a significant difference in the claims process; Furthermore; it's worth considering the reputation and stability of the third-party provider; as a guarantee is only as good as the company backing it;

In conclusion; when evaluating third-party backed guarantees; homeowners should meticulously consider coverage; terms; and conditions to make an informed decision; A robust guarantee can offer valuable protection; providing comfort and security in knowing that potential issues are covered by a reliable third party; By thoroughly examining these aspects; homeowners can find assurance and make their investments go a long way in safeguarding their homes.

Examples of reputable third-party guarantee providers in the foundation repair industry.

When it comes to foundation repair, homeowners often seek assurance that the work will be durable and long-lasting. This is where third-party backed guarantees come into play, offering an additional layer of security. These guarantees are provided by reputable third-party companies that specialize in assessing and backing the warranties offered by foundation repair contractors.

Several organizations stand out as reputable third-party guarantee providers in this industry. One notable example is the National Foundation Repair Association (NFRA). The NFRA sets stringent standards for its members and backs their work with extended warranties, providing homeowners with peace of mind. Their rigorous evaluation process ensures that only qualified contractors receive their endorsement, making their guarantee highly reliable.

Another prominent provider is the Foundation Performance Association (FPA). The FPA offers comprehensive inspections and backs warranties from certified repair companies. Their thorough assessment includes regular follow-ups to ensure that the repairs remain effective over time, adding an extra level of confidence for homeowners.

The Structural Repair Association (SRA) is also a well-known name in this field. The SRA provides extensive training and certification programs for contractors, ensuring high standards of workmanship. They back warranties from these certified professionals, giving homeowners assurance that their foundation repairs will be handled with expertise and integrity.

Additionally, some insurance companies offer third-party guarantees for foundation repair work as part of their policies. These companies often have strict criteria for the contractors they endorse, ensuring that homeowners receive top-quality services backed by reliable guarantees.

In conclusion, seeking foundation repair services backed by third-party guarantees from organizations like the NFRA, FPA, or SRA can provide homeowners with valuable assurance. These reputable providers ensure that repairs are carried out to high standards and offer ongoing support to maintain structural integrity over time.

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Various examples of ornate ceilings

A ceiling /ˈsiːlɪŋ/ is an overhead interior roof that covers the upper limits of a room. It is not generally considered a structural element, but a finished surface concealing the underside of the roof structure or the floor of a story above. Ceilings can be decorated to taste, and there are many examples of frescoes and artwork on ceilings, especially within religious buildings. A ceiling can also be the upper limit of a tunnel.

The most common type of ceiling is the dropped ceiling,[citation needed] which is suspended from structural elements above. Panels of drywall are fastened either directly to the ceiling joists or to a few layers of moisture-proof plywood which are then attached to the joists. Pipework or ducts can be run in the gap above the ceiling, and insulation and fireproofing material can be placed here. Alternatively, ceilings may be spray painted instead, leaving the pipework and ducts exposed but painted, and using spray foam.

A subset of the dropped ceiling is the suspended ceiling, wherein a network of aluminum struts, as opposed to drywall, are attached to the joists, forming a series of rectangular spaces. Individual pieces of cardboard are then placed inside the bottom of those spaces so that the outer side of the cardboard, interspersed with aluminum rails, is seen as the ceiling from below. This makes it relatively easy to repair the pipes and insulation behind the ceiling, since all that is necessary is to lift off the cardboard, rather than digging through the drywall and then replacing it.

Other types of ceiling include the cathedral ceiling, the concave or barrel-shaped ceiling, the stretched ceiling and the coffered ceiling. Coving often links the ceiling to the surrounding walls. Ceilings can play a part in reducing fire hazard, and a system is available for rating the fire resistance of dropped ceilings.


California tract home with an open-beam ceiling, 1960

Ceilings are classified according to their appearance or construction. A cathedral ceiling is any tall ceiling area similar to those in a church. A dropped ceiling is one in which the finished surface is constructed anywhere from a few inches or centimeters to several feet or a few meters below the structure above it. This may be done for aesthetic purposes, such as achieving a desirable ceiling height; or practical purposes such as acoustic damping or providing a space for HVAC or piping. An inverse of this would be a raised floor. A concave or barrel-shaped ceiling is curved or rounded upward, usually for visual or acoustical value, while a coffered ceiling is divided into a grid of recessed square or octagonal panels, also called a "lacunar ceiling". A cove ceiling uses a curved plaster transition between wall and ceiling; it is named for cove molding, a molding with a concave curve.[1] A stretched ceiling (or stretch ceiling) uses a number of individual panels using material such as PVC fixed to a perimeter rail.[2]



Ceilings have frequently been decorated with fresco painting, mosaic tiles and other surface treatments. While hard to execute (at least in place) a decorated ceiling has the advantage that it is largely protected from damage by fingers and dust. In the past, however, this was more than compensated for by the damage from smoke from candles or a fireplace. Many historic buildings have celebrated ceilings. Perhaps the most famous is the Sistine Chapel ceiling by Michelangelo.

Ceiling height, particularly in the case of low ceilings, may have psychological impacts. [3]

Fire-resistance rated ceilings


The most common ceiling that contributes to fire-resistance ratings in commercial and residential construction is the dropped ceiling. In the case of a dropped ceiling, the rating is achieved by the entire system, which is both the structure above, from which the ceilings is suspended, which could be a concrete floor or a timber floor, as well as the suspension mechanism and, finally the lowest membrane or dropped ceiling. Between the structure that the dropped ceiling is suspended from and the dropped membrane, such as a T-bar ceiling or a layer of drywall, there is often some room for mechanical and electrical piping, wiring and ducting to run.

An independent ceiling, however, can be constructed such that it has a stand-alone fire-resistance rating. Such systems must be tested without the benefit of being suspended from a slab above in order to prove that the resulting system is capable of holding itself up. This type of ceiling would be installed to protect items above from fire.


See also

  • Beam ceiling
  • Hammerbeam roof
  • Hollow-core slab
  • Moulding (decorative)
  • Popcorn ceiling
  • Scottish Renaissance painted ceilings
  • Tin ceiling
  • Passive fire protection
  • Fire test
  • Hy-Rib


  1. ^ "Casa de las Ratas 2/2/2003". Archived from the original on September 29, 2008. Retrieved September 14, 2008.
  2. ^ Corky Binggeli (2011). Interior Graphic Standards: Student Edition. John Wiley & Sons. p. 220. ISBN 978-1-118-09935-3.
  3. ^ Meyers-Levy, Joan; Zhu, Rui (Juliet) (August 2007). "The Influence of Ceiling Height: The Effect of Priming on the Type of Processing That People Use". Journal of Consumer Research. 34 (2): 174–186. doi:10.1086/519146. JSTOR 10.1086/519146. S2CID 16607244.
  4. ^ Melvin, Jeremy (2006). …isme Să ÎnÈ›elegem Stilurile Arhitecturale (in Romanian). Enciclopedia RAO. p. 39. ISBN 973-717-075-X.
  5. ^ Bresc-Bautier, Geneviève (2008). The Louvre, a Tale of a Palace. Musée du Louvre Éditions. p. 26. ISBN 978-2-7572-0177-0.
  6. ^ Bresc-Bautier, Geneviève (2008). The Louvre, a Tale of a Palace. Musée du Louvre Éditions. p. 30. ISBN 978-2-7572-0177-0.
  7. ^ Bresc-Bautier, Geneviève (2008). The Louvre, a Tale of a Palace. Musée du Louvre Éditions. p. 55. ISBN 978-2-7572-0177-0.
  8. ^ Bresc-Bautier, Geneviève (2008). The Louvre, a Tale of a Palace. Musée du Louvre Éditions. p. 106. ISBN 978-2-7572-0177-0.
  9. ^ Bresc-Bautier, Geneviève (2008). The Louvre, a Tale of a Palace. Musée du Louvre Éditions. p. 138. ISBN 978-2-7572-0177-0.
  10. ^ Marinache, Oana (2015). Ernest Donaud - visul liniei (in Romanian). Editura Istoria Artei. p. 79. ISBN 978-606-94042-8-7.
  • Media related to Ceilings at Wikimedia Commons
  • "Ceiling" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 5 (11th ed.). 1911.
  • "Ceiling" . New International Encyclopedia. 1904.
  • Merriam-Webster ceiling definition



A disaster inspector at work in the United States assessing tornado damage to a house

A home inspection is a limited, non-invasive examination of the condition of a home, often in connection with the sale of that home. Home inspections are usually conducted by a home inspector who has the training and certifications to perform such inspections. The inspector prepares and delivers to the client a written report of findings. In general, home inspectors recommend that potential purchasers join them during their onsite visits to provide context for the comments in their written reports. The client then uses the knowledge gained to make informed decisions about their pending real estate purchase. The home inspector describes the condition of the home at the time of inspection but does not guarantee future condition, efficiency, or life expectancy of systems or components.

Sometimes confused with a real estate appraiser, a home inspector determines the condition of a structure, whereas an appraiser determines the value of a property. In the United States, although not all states or municipalities regulate home inspectors, there are various professional associations for home inspectors that provide education, training, and networking opportunities. A professional home inspection is an examination of the current condition of a house. It is not an inspection to verify compliance with appropriate codes; building inspection is a term often used for building code compliance inspections in the United States. A similar but more complicated inspection of commercial buildings is a property condition assessment. Home inspections identify problems but building diagnostics identifies solutions to the found problems and their predicted outcomes. A property inspection is a detailed visual documentation of a property's structures, design, and fixtures. Property Inspection provides a buyer, renter, or other information consumer with valuable insight into the property's conditions prior to purchase. House-hunting can be a difficult task especially when you can't seem to find one that you like. The best way to get things done is to ensure that there is a property inspection before buying a property.

North America


In Canada and the United States, a contract to purchase a house may include a contingency that the contract is not valid until the buyer, through a home inspector or other agents, has had an opportunity to verify the condition of the property. In many states and provinces, home inspectors are required to be licensed, but in some states, the profession is not regulated. Typical requirements for obtaining a license are the completion of an approved training course and/or a successful examination by the state's licensing board. Several states and provinces also require inspectors to periodically obtain continuing education credits in order to renew their licenses.[citation needed] Unless specifically advertised as part of the home inspection, items often needed to satisfy mortgage or tile requirements such as termite ("pest") inspections must be obtained separately from licensed and regulated companies.

In May 2001, Massachusetts became the first state to recognize the potential conflict of interest when real estate agents selling a home also refer or recommend the home inspector to the potential buyer.[citation needed] As a result, the real estate licensing law in Massachusetts was amended[1][non-primary source needed] to prohibit listing real estate agents from directly referring home inspectors. The law also prohibits listing agents from giving out a "short" name list of inspectors. The only list that can be given out is the complete list of all licensed home inspectors in the state.

In September 2018, the California state legislature passed Senate Bill 721 (SB 721),[2] which requires buildings with specific conditions, such as having exterior elevated structures, to undergo inspections by licensed professionals. These inspections must be conducted by qualified individuals, such as structural engineering firms,[3] and a detailed report must be issued. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in penalties for property owners.

Ancillary services such as inspections for wood destroying insects, radon testing, septic tank inspections, water quality, mold, (or excessive moisture which may lead to mold), and private well inspections are sometimes part of home inspector's services if duly qualified.

In many provinces and states, home inspection standards are developed and enforced by professional associations, such as, worldwide, the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI); in the United States, the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), and the National Association of Home Inspectors (NAHI)(No Longer active 10/2017); and, in Canada, the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI), the Professional Home & Property Inspectors of Canada (PHPIC) and the National Home Inspector Certification Council (NHICC).

Currently, more than thirty U.S. states regulate the home inspection industry in some form.

Canada saw a deviation from this model when in 2016 an association-independent home inspection standard was completed. This was developed in partnership with industry professionals, consumer advocates, and technical experts, by the Canadian Standards Association. The CAN/CSA A770-16 Home Inspection Standard was funded by three provincial governments with the intent to be the unifying standard for home inspections carried out within Canada. It is the only home inspection standard that has been endorsed by the Standards Council of Canada.

In Canada, there are provincial associations which focus on provincial differences that affect their members and consumers. Ontario has the largest population of home inspectors which was estimated in 2013 as part of a government survey at being around 1500.[4]

To date, Ontario Association of Certified Home Inspectors is the only association which has mandated that its members migrate to the CAN/CSA A770-16 Home Inspection Standard, with a date of migration set as February 28, 2020. Other national and provincial associations have set it as an option to be added to other supported standards.

In Canada, only Alberta and British Columbia have implemented government regulation for the home inspection profession. The province of Ontario has proceeded through the process, with the passage of regulatory procedure culminating in the Home Inspection Act, 2017 to license Home Inspectors in that province. It has received royal assent but is still awaiting the development of regulations and proclamation to become law.

In Ontario, there are two provincial Associations, OAHI (the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors) and OntarioACHI (the Ontario Association of Certified Home Inspectors). Both claim to be the largest association in the province. OAHI, formed by a private member's Bill in the Provincial Assembly, has the right in law to award the R.H.I. (Registered Home Inspector) designation to anyone on its membership register. The R.H.I. designation, however, is a reserved designation, overseen by OAHI under the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors Act, 1994. This Act allows OAHI to award members who have passed and maintained strict criteria set out in their membership bylaws and who operate within Ontario. Similarly, OntarioACHI requires equally high standards for the award of their certification, the Canadian-Certified Home Inspector (CCHI) designation. To confuse things, Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI) own the copyright to the terms Registered Home Inspector and RHI. Outside of Ontario, OAHI Members cannot use the terms without being qualified by CAHPI.

The proclamation of the Home Inspection Act, 2017, requires the dissolution of the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors Act, 1994, which will remove the right to title in Ontario of the RHI at the same time removing consumer confusion about the criteria for its award across Canada.

United Kingdom


A home inspector in the United Kingdom (or more precisely in England and Wales), was an inspector certified to carry out the Home Condition Reports that it was originally anticipated would be included in the Home Information Pack.

Home inspectors were required to complete the ABBE Diploma in Home Inspection to show they met the standards set out for NVQ/VRQ competency-based assessment (Level 4). The government had suggested that between 7,500 and 8,000 qualified and licensed home inspectors would be needed to meet the annual demand of nearly 2,000,000 Home Information Packs. In the event, many more than this entered training, resulting in a massive oversupply of potential inspectors.

With the cancellation of Home Information Packs by the coalition Government in 2010, the role of the home inspector in the United Kingdom became permanently redundant.

Inspections of the home, as part of a real estate transaction, are still generally carried out in the UK in the same manner as they had been for years before the Home Condition Report process. Home Inspections are more detailed than those currently offered in North America. They are generally performed by a chartered member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.



The concept of home inspection in India is in its infancy. There has been a proliferation of companies that have started offering the service, predominantly in Tier-1 cities such as Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Pune, Mumbai, etc. To help bring about a broader understanding among the general public and market the concept, a few home inspection companies have come together and formed the Home Inspection Association of India.[5]

After RERA came into effect, the efficacy and potency of home inspection companies has increased tremendously. The majority of homeowners and potential home buyers do not know what home inspection is or that such a service exists.

The way that home inspection is different in India[6] than in North America or United Kingdom is the lack of a government authorised licensing authority. Apart from the fact that houses in India are predominantly built with kiln baked bricks, concrete blocks or even just concrete walls (predominantly in high rise apartments) this means the tests conducted are vastly different. Most home inspection companies conduct non-destructive testing of the property, in some cases based on customer requirement, tests that require core-cutting are also performed.

The majority of homeowners are not aware of the concept of home inspection in India. The other issue is that the balance of power is highly tilted toward the builder; this means the home buyers are stepping on their proverbial toes, because in most cases, the home is the single most expensive purchase in their lifetime, and the homeowners do not want to come across as antagonising the builders.

Home inspection standards and exclusions


Some home inspectors and home inspection regulatory bodies maintain various standards related to the trade. Some inspection companies offer 90-day limited warranties to protect clients from unexpected mechanical and structural failures; otherwise, inspectors are not responsible for future failures.[a] A general inspection standard for buildings other than residential homes can be found at the National Academy of Building Inspection Engineers.

Many inspectors may also offer ancillary services such as inspecting pools, sprinkler systems, checking radon levels, and inspecting for wood-destroying organisms. The CAN/CSA-A770-16 standard allows this (in-fact it demands swimming pool safety inspections as a requirement) and also mandates that the inspector be properly qualified to offer these. Other standards are silent on this.

Types of inspections


Home buyers and home sellers inspections


Home inspections are often used by prospective purchasers of the house in question, in order to evaluate the condition of the house prior to the purchase. Similarly, a home seller can elect to have an inspection on their property and report the results of that inspection to the prospective buyer.

Foreclosure inspection


Recently foreclosed properties may require home inspections.

Four point inspection


An inspection of the house's roof, HVAC, and electrical and plumbing systems is often known as a "four-point inspection", which insurance companies may require as a condition for homeowner's insurance.

Disaster inspection


Home inspections may occur after a disaster has struck the house. A disaster examination, unlike a standard house inspection, concentrates on damage rather than the quality of everything visible and accessible from the roof to the basement.

Inspectors go to people's homes or work places who have asked for FEMA disaster aid.

Section 8 inspection


In the United States, the federal and state governments provide housing subsidies to low-income people through the Section 8 program. The government expects that the housing will be "fit for habitation" so a Section 8 inspection identifies compliance with HUD's Housing Quality Standards (HQS).

Pre-delivery inspection


An inspection may occur in a purchased house prior to the deal's closure, in what is known as a "pre-delivery" inspection.

Structural inspection


The house's structure may also be inspected. When performing a structural inspection, the inspector will look for a variety of distress indications that may result in repair or further evaluation recommendations.

In the state of New York, only a licensed professional engineer or a registered architect can render professional opinions as to the sufficiency structural elements of a home or building.[11] Municipal building officials can also make this determination, but they are not performing home inspections at the time they are rendering this opinion. Municipal officials are also not required to look out for the best interest of the buyer. Some other states may have similar provisions in their licensing laws. Someone who is not a licensed professional engineer or a registered architect can describe the condition of structural elements (cracked framing, sagged beams/roof, severe rot or insect damage, etc.), but are not permitted to render a professional opinion as to how the condition has affected the structural soundness of the building.

Various systems of the house, including plumbing and HVAC, may also be inspected.[12]

Thermal imaging Inspection


A thermal imaging inspection using an infrared camera can provide inspectors with information on home energy loss, heat gain/loss through the exterior walls and roof, moisture leaks, and improper electrical system conditions that are typically not visible to the naked eye. Thermal imaging is not considered part of a General Home Inspection because it exceeds the scope of inspection Standards of Practice.

Pool and spa inspection


Inspection of swimming pools and spas is not considered part of a General Home Inspection because their inspection exceeds the scope of inspection Standards of Practice. However, some home inspectors are also certified to inspect pools and spas and offer this as an ancillary service.[13]

Tree health inspection


Inspection of trees on the property is not considered part of a General Home Inspection because their inspection exceeds the scope of inspection Standards of Practice. This type of inspection is typically performed by a Certified Arborist and assesses the safety and condition of the trees on a property before the sales agreement is executed.[14]

Property inspection report for immigration


The UKVI (United Kingdom Visa and Immigration) issued guidance on the necessity of ensuring that properties must meet guidelines so that visa applicants can be housed in properties which meet environmental and health standards. Part X of the Housing Act 1985 provides the legislative grounding for the reports - primarily to ensure that a property is not currently overcrowded, that the inclusion of further individuals as a result of successful visa applications - whether spouse visa, dependent visa, indefinite leave to remain or visitor visa, can house the applicants without the property becoming overcrowded. Reports are typically prepared by environmental assessors or qualified solicitors in accordance with HHSRS (Housing Health and Safety Rating Scheme). Property inspection reports are typically standard and breakdown the legal requirements.

Pre-Listing Home Inspection


A pre-listing inspection focuses on all major systems and components of the house including HVAC, electrical, plumbing, siding, doors, windows, roof and structure. It's a full home inspection for the seller to better understand the condition of their home prior to the buyer's own inspection.

See also

  • List of real estate topics
  • Real estate appraisal


  1. ^ A general list of exclusions include but are not limited to: code or zoning violations, permit research, property measurements or surveys, boundaries, easements or right of way, conditions of title, proximity to environmental hazards, noise interference, soil or geological conditions, well water systems or water quality, underground sewer lines, waste disposal systems, buried piping, cisterns, underground water tanks and sprinkler systems. A complete list of standards and procedures for home inspections can be found at NAHI,[7] ASHI,[8] InterNACHI,[9] or IHINA[10] websites.


  1. ^ "General Laws: CHAPTER 112, Section 87YY1/2". Archived from the original on 2012-04-27. Retrieved 2012-05-29.
  2. ^ "SB 721- CHAPTERED". Retrieved 2025-02-13.
  3. ^ "SB721 Inspection California | DRBalcony". 2024-09-12. Retrieved 2025-02-13.
  4. ^ Archived 2017-06-27 at the Wayback Machine [bare URL PDF]
  5. ^ "Home Inspection Association of India". Archived from the original on 2019-09-07. Retrieved 2019-08-30.
  6. ^ "End-to-End Expert Property Inspection Services". Archived from the original on 2022-08-26. Retrieved 2022-08-26.
  7. ^ "NAHI". Archived from the original on 1998-01-29. Retrieved 2011-02-05.
  8. ^ "ASHI". Archived from the original on 2008-05-09. Retrieved 2009-12-11.
  9. ^ "InterNACHI". Archived from the original on 2010-08-30. Retrieved 2010-08-27.
  10. ^ "IHINA". Archived from the original on 2012-01-07. Retrieved 2012-02-09.
  11. ^ "NYS Professional Engineering & Land Surveying:Laws, Rules & Regulations:Article 145". Archived from the original on 2018-02-27. Retrieved 2018-04-04.
  12. ^ "Material Defects & Useful Remaining Life of Home Systems". Archived from the original on 2019-02-02. Retrieved 2019-02-01.
  13. ^ "InterNACHI's Standards of Practice for Inspecting Pools & Spas - InterNACHI". Archived from the original on 2019-03-21. Retrieved 2019-04-09.
  14. ^ "Property Inspection Report | From £80". Property Inspection Report - Immigration & Visa. Archived from the original on 2022-05-19. Retrieved 2022-05-12.



Boston's Big Dig presented geotechnical challenges in an urban environment.
Precast concrete retaining wall
A typical cross-section of a slope used in two-dimensional analyzes.

Geotechnical engineering, also known as geotechnics, is the branch of civil engineering concerned with the engineering behavior of earth materials. It uses the principles of soil mechanics and rock mechanics to solve its engineering problems. It also relies on knowledge of geology, hydrology, geophysics, and other related sciences.

Geotechnical engineering has applications in military engineering, mining engineering, petroleum engineering, coastal engineering, and offshore construction. The fields of geotechnical engineering and engineering geology have overlapping knowledge areas. However, while geotechnical engineering is a specialty of civil engineering, engineering geology is a specialty of geology.



Humans have historically used soil as a material for flood control, irrigation purposes, burial sites, building foundations, and construction materials for buildings. Dykes, dams, and canals dating back to at least 2000 BCE—found in parts of ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia, the Fertile Crescent, and the early settlements of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa in the Indus valley—provide evidence for early activities linked to irrigation and flood control. As cities expanded, structures were erected and supported by formalized foundations. The ancient Greeks notably constructed pad footings and strip-and-raft foundations. Until the 18th century, however, no theoretical basis for soil design had been developed, and the discipline was more of an art than a science, relying on experience.[1]

Several foundation-related engineering problems, such as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, prompted scientists to begin taking a more scientific-based approach to examining the subsurface. The earliest advances occurred in the development of earth pressure theories for the construction of retaining walls. Henri Gautier, a French royal engineer, recognized the "natural slope" of different soils in 1717, an idea later known as the soil's angle of repose. Around the same time, a rudimentary soil classification system was also developed based on a material's unit weight, which is no longer considered a good indication of soil type.[1][2]

The application of the principles of mechanics to soils was documented as early as 1773 when Charles Coulomb, a physicist and engineer, developed improved methods to determine the earth pressures against military ramparts. Coulomb observed that, at failure, a distinct slip plane would form behind a sliding retaining wall and suggested that the maximum shear stress on the slip plane, for design purposes, was the sum of the soil cohesion, , and friction , where is the normal stress on the slip plane and is the friction angle of the soil. By combining Coulomb's theory with Christian Otto Mohr's 2D stress state, the theory became known as Mohr-Coulomb theory. Although it is now recognized that precise determination of cohesion is impossible because is not a fundamental soil property, the Mohr-Coulomb theory is still used in practice today.[3]

In the 19th century, Henry Darcy developed what is now known as Darcy's Law, describing the flow of fluids in a porous media. Joseph Boussinesq, a mathematician and physicist, developed theories of stress distribution in elastic solids that proved useful for estimating stresses at depth in the ground. William Rankine, an engineer and physicist, developed an alternative to Coulomb's earth pressure theory. Albert Atterberg developed the clay consistency indices that are still used today for soil classification.[1][2] In 1885, Osborne Reynolds recognized that shearing causes volumetric dilation of dense materials and contraction of loose granular materials.

Modern geotechnical engineering is said to have begun in 1925 with the publication of Erdbaumechanik by Karl von Terzaghi, a mechanical engineer and geologist. Considered by many to be the father of modern soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Terzaghi developed the principle of effective stress, and demonstrated that the shear strength of soil is controlled by effective stress.[4] Terzaghi also developed the framework for theories of bearing capacity of foundations, and the theory for prediction of the rate of settlement of clay layers due to consolidation.[1][3][5] Afterwards, Maurice Biot fully developed the three-dimensional soil consolidation theory, extending the one-dimensional model previously developed by Terzaghi to more general hypotheses and introducing the set of basic equations of Poroelasticity.

In his 1948 book, Donald Taylor recognized that the interlocking and dilation of densely packed particles contributed to the peak strength of the soil. Roscoe, Schofield, and Wroth, with the publication of On the Yielding of Soils in 1958, established the interrelationships between the volume change behavior (dilation, contraction, and consolidation) and shearing behavior with the theory of plasticity using critical state soil mechanics. Critical state soil mechanics is the basis for many contemporary advanced constitutive models describing the behavior of soil.[6]

In 1960, Alec Skempton carried out an extensive review of the available formulations and experimental data in the literature about the effective stress validity in soil, concrete, and rock in order to reject some of these expressions, as well as clarify what expressions were appropriate according to several working hypotheses, such as stress-strain or strength behavior, saturated or non-saturated media, and rock, concrete or soil behavior.



Geotechnical investigation


Geotechnical engineers investigate and determine the properties of subsurface conditions and materials. They also design corresponding earthworks and retaining structures, tunnels, and structure foundations, and may supervise and evaluate sites, which may further involve site monitoring as well as the risk assessment and mitigation of natural hazards.[7][8]

Geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists perform geotechnical investigations to obtain information on the physical properties of soil and rock underlying and adjacent to a site to design earthworks and foundations for proposed structures and for the repair of distress to earthworks and structures caused by subsurface conditions. Geotechnical investigations involve surface and subsurface exploration of a site, often including subsurface sampling and laboratory testing of retrieved soil samples. Sometimes, geophysical methods are also used to obtain data, which include measurement of seismic waves (pressure, shear, and Rayleigh waves), surface-wave methods and downhole methods, and electromagnetic surveys (magnetometer, resistivity, and ground-penetrating radar). Electrical tomography can be used to survey soil and rock properties and existing underground infrastructure in construction projects.[9]

Surface exploration can include on-foot surveys, geologic mapping, geophysical methods, and photogrammetry. Geologic mapping and interpretation of geomorphology are typically completed in consultation with a geologist or engineering geologist. Subsurface exploration usually involves in-situ testing (for example, the standard penetration test and cone penetration test). The digging of test pits and trenching (particularly for locating faults and slide planes) may also be used to learn about soil conditions at depth. Large-diameter borings are rarely used due to safety concerns and expense. Still, they are sometimes used to allow a geologist or engineer to be lowered into the borehole for direct visual and manual examination of the soil and rock stratigraphy.

Various soil samplers exist to meet the needs of different engineering projects. The standard penetration test, which uses a thick-walled split spoon sampler, is the most common way to collect disturbed samples. Piston samplers, employing a thin-walled tube, are most commonly used to collect less disturbed samples. More advanced methods, such as the Sherbrooke block sampler, are superior but expensive. Coring frozen ground provides high-quality undisturbed samples from ground conditions, such as fill, sand, moraine, and rock fracture zones.[10]

Geotechnical centrifuge modeling is another method of testing physical-scale models of geotechnical problems. The use of a centrifuge enhances the similarity of the scale model tests involving soil because soil's strength and stiffness are susceptible to the confining pressure. The centrifugal acceleration allows a researcher to obtain large (prototype-scale) stresses in small physical models.

Foundation design


The foundation of a structure's infrastructure transmits loads from the structure to the earth. Geotechnical engineers design foundations based on the load characteristics of the structure and the properties of the soils and bedrock at the site. Generally, geotechnical engineers first estimate the magnitude and location of loads to be supported before developing an investigation plan to explore the subsurface and determine the necessary soil parameters through field and lab testing. Following this, they may begin the design of an engineering foundation. The primary considerations for a geotechnical engineer in foundation design are bearing capacity, settlement, and ground movement beneath the foundations.[11]


A compactor/roller operated by U.S. Navy Seabees

Geotechnical engineers are also involved in the planning and execution of earthworks, which include ground improvement,[11] slope stabilization, and slope stability analysis.

Ground improvement


Various geotechnical engineering methods can be used for ground improvement, including reinforcement geosynthetics such as geocells and geogrids, which disperse loads over a larger area, increasing the soil's load-bearing capacity. Through these methods, geotechnical engineers can reduce direct and long-term costs.[12]

Slope stabilization

Simple slope slip section.

Geotechnical engineers can analyze and improve slope stability using engineering methods. Slope stability is determined by the balance of shear stress and shear strength. A previously stable slope may be initially affected by various factors, making it unstable. Nonetheless, geotechnical engineers can design and implement engineered slopes to increase stability.

Slope stability analysis

Stability analysis is needed to design engineered slopes and estimate the risk of slope failure in natural or designed slopes by determining the conditions under which the topmost mass of soil will slip relative to the base of soil and lead to slope failure.[13] If the interface between the mass and the base of a slope has a complex geometry, slope stability analysis is difficult and numerical solution methods are required. Typically, the interface's exact geometry is unknown, and a simplified interface geometry is assumed. Finite slopes require three-dimensional models to be analyzed, so most slopes are analyzed assuming that they are infinitely wide and can be represented by two-dimensional models.




A collage of geosynthetic products.

Geosynthetics are a type of plastic polymer products used in geotechnical engineering that improve engineering performance while reducing costs. This includes geotextiles, geogrids, geomembranes, geocells, and geocomposites. The synthetic nature of the products make them suitable for use in the ground where high levels of durability are required. Their main functions include drainage, filtration, reinforcement, separation, and containment.

Geosynthetics are available in a wide range of forms and materials, each to suit a slightly different end-use, although they are frequently used together. Some reinforcement geosynthetics, such as geogrids and more recently, cellular confinement systems, have shown to improve bearing capacity, modulus factors and soil stiffness and strength.[14] These products have a wide range of applications and are currently used in many civil and geotechnical engineering applications including roads, airfields, railroads, embankments, piled embankments, retaining structures, reservoirs, canals, dams, landfills, bank protection and coastal engineering.[15]


Platforms offshore Mexico.

Offshore (or marine) geotechnical engineering is concerned with foundation design for human-made structures in the sea, away from the coastline (in opposition to onshore or nearshore engineering). Oil platforms, artificial islands and submarine pipelines are examples of such structures.[16]

There are a number of significant differences between onshore and offshore geotechnical engineering.[16][17] Notably, site investigation and ground improvement on the seabed are more expensive; the offshore structures are exposed to a wider range of geohazards; and the environmental and financial consequences are higher in case of failure. Offshore structures are exposed to various environmental loads, notably wind, waves and currents. These phenomena may affect the integrity or the serviceability of the structure and its foundation during its operational lifespan and need to be taken into account in offshore design.

In subsea geotechnical engineering, seabed materials are considered a two-phase material composed of rock or mineral particles and water.[18][19] Structures may be fixed in place in the seabed—as is the case for piers, jetties and fixed-bottom wind turbines—or may comprise a floating structure that remains roughly fixed relative to its geotechnical anchor point. Undersea mooring of human-engineered floating structures include a large number of offshore oil and gas platforms and, since 2008, a few floating wind turbines. Two common types of engineered design for anchoring floating structures include tension-leg and catenary loose mooring systems.[20]

Observational method


First proposed by Karl Terzaghi and later discussed in a paper by Ralph B. Peck, the observational method is a managed process of construction control, monitoring, and review, which enables modifications to be incorporated during and after construction. The method aims to achieve a greater overall economy without compromising safety by creating designs based on the most probable conditions rather than the most unfavorable.[21] Using the observational method, gaps in available information are filled by measurements and investigation, which aid in assessing the behavior of the structure during construction, which in turn can be modified per the findings. The method was described by Peck as "learn-as-you-go".[22]

The observational method may be described as follows:[22]

  1. General exploration sufficient to establish the rough nature, pattern, and properties of deposits.
  2. Assessment of the most probable conditions and the most unfavorable conceivable deviations.
  3. Creating the design based on a working hypothesis of behavior anticipated under the most probable conditions.
  4. Selection of quantities to be observed as construction proceeds and calculating their anticipated values based on the working hypothesis under the most unfavorable conditions.
  5. Selection, in advance, of a course of action or design modification for every foreseeable significant deviation of the observational findings from those predicted.
  6. Measurement of quantities and evaluation of actual conditions.
  7. Design modification per actual conditions

The observational method is suitable for construction that has already begun when an unexpected development occurs or when a failure or accident looms or has already happened. It is unsuitable for projects whose design cannot be altered during construction.[22]

See also

  • Civil engineering
  • Deep Foundations Institute
  • Earthquake engineering
  • Earth structure
  • Effective stress
  • Engineering geology
  • Geological Engineering
  • Geoprofessions
  • Hydrogeology
  • International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
  • Karl von Terzaghi
  • Land reclamation
  • Landfill
  • Mechanically stabilized earth
  • Offshore geotechnical engineering
  • Rock mass classifications
  • Sediment control
  • Seismology
  • Soil mechanics
  • Soil physics
  • Soil science



  1. ^ a b c d Das, Braja (2006). Principles of Geotechnical Engineering. Thomson Learning.
  2. ^ a b Budhu, Muni (2007). Soil Mechanics and Foundations. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 978-0-471-43117-6.
  3. ^ a b Disturbed soil properties and geotechnical design, Schofield, Andrew N., Thomas Telford, 2006. ISBN 0-7277-2982-9
  4. ^ Guerriero V., Mazzoli S. (2021). "Theory of Effective Stress in Soil and Rock and Implications for Fracturing Processes: A Review". Geosciences. 11 (3): 119. Bibcode:2021Geosc..11..119G. doi:10.3390/geosciences11030119.
  5. ^ Soil Mechanics, Lambe, T.William and Whitman, Robert V., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, John Wiley & Sons., 1969. ISBN 0-471-51192-7
  6. ^ Soil Behavior and Critical State Soil Mechanics, Wood, David Muir, Cambridge University Press, 1990. ISBN 0-521-33782-8
  7. ^ Terzaghi, K., Peck, R.B. and Mesri, G. (1996), Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-08658-4
  8. ^ Holtz, R. and Kovacs, W. (1981), An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Inc. ISBN 0-13-484394-0
  9. ^ Deep Scan Tech (2023): Deep Scan Tech uncovers hidden structures at the site of Denmark's tallest building.
  10. ^ "Geofrost Coring". GEOFROST. Retrieved 20 November 2020.
  11. ^ a b Han, Jie (2015). Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement. Wiley. ISBN 9781118421307.
  12. ^ RAJU, V. R. (2010). Ground Improvement Technologies and Case Histories. Singapore: Research Publishing Services. p. 809. ISBN 978-981-08-3124-0. Ground Improvement – Principles And Applications In Asia.
  13. ^ Pariseau, William G. (2011). Design analysis in rock mechanics. CRC Press.
  14. ^ Hegde, A.M. and Palsule P.S. (2020), Performance of Geosynthetics Reinforced Subgrade Subjected to Repeated Vehicle Loads: Experimental and Numerical Studies. Front. Built Environ. 6:15.
  15. ^ Koerner, Robert M. (2012). Designing with Geosynthetics (6th Edition, Vol. 1 ed.). Xlibris. ISBN 9781462882892.
  16. ^ a b Dean, E.T.R. (2010). Offshore Geotechnical Engineering – Principles and Practice. Thomas Telford, Reston, VA, 520 p.
  17. ^ Randolph, M. and Gourvenec, S., 2011. Offshore geotechnical engineering. Spon Press, N.Y., 550 p.
  18. ^ Das, B.M., 2010. Principles of geotechnical engineering. Cengage Learning, Stamford, 666 p.
  19. ^ Atkinson, J., 2007. The mechanics of soils and foundations. Taylor & Francis, N.Y., 442 p.
  20. ^ Floating Offshore Wind Turbines: Responses in a Sea state – Pareto Optimal Designs and Economic Assessment, P. Sclavounos et al., October 2007.
  21. ^ Nicholson, D, Tse, C and Penny, C. (1999). The Observational Method in ground engineering – principles and applications. Report 185, CIRIA, London.
  22. ^ a b c Peck, R.B (1969). Advantages and limitations of the observational method in applied soil mechanics, Geotechnique, 19, No. 1, pp. 171-187.


  • Bates and Jackson, 1980, Glossary of Geology: American Geological Institute.
  • Krynine and Judd, 1957, Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics: McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Ventura, Pierfranco, 2019, Fondazioni, Volume 1, Modellazioni statiche e sismiche, Hoepli, Milano
  • Worldwide Geotechnical Literature Database



Reviews for

Jeffery James


Very happy with my experience. They were prompt and followed through, and very helpful in fixing the crack in my foundation.

Sarah McNeily


USS was excellent. They are honest, straightforward, trustworthy, and conscientious. They thoughtfully removed the flowers and flower bulbs to dig where they needed in the yard, replanted said flowers and spread the extra dirt to fill in an area of the yard. We've had other services from different companies and our yard was really a mess after. They kept the job site meticulously clean. The crew was on time and friendly. I'd recommend them any day! Thanks to Jessie and crew.

Jim de Leon


It was a pleasure to work with Rick and his crew. From the beginning, Rick listened to my concerns and what I wished to accomplish. Out of the 6 contractors that quoted the project, Rick seemed the MOST willing to accommodate my wishes. His pricing was definitely more than fair as well. I had 10 push piers installed to stabilize and lift an addition of my house. The project commenced at the date that Rick had disclosed initially and it was completed within the same time period expected (based on Rick's original assessment). The crew was well informed, courteous, and hard working. They were not loud (even while equipment was being utilized) and were well spoken. My neighbors were very impressed on how polite they were when they entered / exited my property (saying hello or good morning each day when they crossed paths). You can tell they care about the customer concerns. They ensured that the property would be put back as clean as possible by placing MANY sheets of plywood down prior to excavating. They compacted the dirt back in the holes extremely well to avoid large stock piles of soils. All the while, the main office was calling me to discuss updates and expectations of completion. They provided waivers of lien, certificates of insurance, properly acquired permits, and JULIE locates. From a construction background, I can tell you that I did not see any flaws in the way they operated and this an extremely professional company. The pictures attached show the push piers added to the foundation (pictures 1, 2 & 3), the amount of excavation (picture 4), and the restoration after dirt was placed back in the pits and compacted (pictures 5, 6 & 7). Please notice that they also sealed two large cracks and steel plated these cracks from expanding further (which you can see under my sliding glass door). I, as well as my wife, are extremely happy that we chose United Structural Systems for our contractor. I would happily tell any of my friends and family to use this contractor should the opportunity arise!

Chris Abplanalp


USS did an amazing job on my underpinning on my house, they were also very courteous to the proximity of my property line next to my neighbor. They kept things in order with all the dirt/mud they had to excavate. They were done exactly in the timeframe they indicated, and the contract was very details oriented with drawings of what would be done. Only thing that would have been nice, is they left my concrete a little muddy with boot prints but again, all-in-all a great job

Dave Kari


What a fantastic experience! Owner Rick Thomas is a trustworthy professional. Nick and the crew are hard working, knowledgeable and experienced. I interviewed every company in the area, big and small. A homeowner never wants to hear that they have foundation issues. Out of every company, I trusted USS the most, and it paid off in the end. Highly recommend.

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